"Manga Trigun" (Триган) is set on the desolate planet of Gunsmoke, which has been colonized by humans resembling the Old American Wild West. The infamous "Humanoid Typhoon" Vash the Stampede, also known as the "Legendary Gunslinger" or "Legendary Outlaw," has a record-breaking bounty of 60 billion "double-dollars" on his head for destroying an entire city single-handedly. Meryl Stryfe and Milly Thompson, representatives of the Bernardelli Insurance Society, a major insurance company, are tasked with tracking down "Criminal Number One" and minimizing the damage he causes. However, it turns out that Vash is not the crazy and bloodthirsty monster that rumors make him out to be, but rather a series of unfortunate circumstances. Similar to Himura Kenshin from "Rurouni Kenshin," Vash behaves like two completely different people, alternating between a harmless idiot and an unstoppable warrior. Despite his inhuman mastery of weapons, Vash is a pacifist who craves "peace and love," using his abilities only to save the lives of everyone - friends and enemies alike. The manga chapters were initially published in Shounen Captain magazine (Tokuma Shoten) until it closed in January 1997. After a hiatus, the manga resumed publication in a different publisher (Shounen Gahousha) under the new title "Trigun Maximum." In 2000, Shounen Gahousha acquired the rights to the original three volumes and reissued them as two expanded volumes.
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